Thursday, February 7, 2008


Tony is now back at MMA, and he is doing good. I am taking two classes in Bangor and after taking all the online classes I think I forgot how hard it is to maintain good attendance and good grades. I know I can get through it though.

I have been really busy recently, this past week Tony and I have been dog sitting at our apartment. Meg is the best dog ever and she loves to sleep in bed with you at night but I am not such a big fan about that. I have had a few restless nights. I can't wait for tonight because she is going to go back to her house.

Yesterday we got the best sticky snow ever! Meg and I went outside and played forever (I was trying to get her to sleep good last night, but it didn't really work) She was really funny in the snow even though she took a big fall. Today, I am so sore from being outside for so long, I guess it is good exercise to have a dog after all.

Since I haven't posted anything about Molly...this is my little Molly at Christmas playing with her new cash register! She is the cutest little girl ever!

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